Smart Autoplay

Autoplay provides your content with greater interaction and lead capture.

Your video will start playing as soon as the user enters the page, generating a mental trigger of urgency in your customer’s brain.

And when he clicks on the video, he won’t miss a second of his VSL, because the video starts from scratch.

This feature will help to increase the number of sales of your VSL.

Dummy progress bar

Through this functionality, you will increase the retention of leads when watching your VSL, as The dummy progress bar makes the video feel like it will end soon, thus keeping your lead’s attention.


Our buttons will allow your CTAs to appear at strategic moments in your VSL, that is, every time you say something important in your VSL, you can have a CTA button appear at that moment in the video.


With the Chapters feature, you can show at what point in the video a certain subject is covered, making it easier for your students to review the classes or research a specific topic.

This feature was designed to improve your student’s user experience.

It’s one of the details we thought of, so that your students become more profitable every day and have the desire to buy more and more of your products.


Provide different qualities to your students, some have the need to save their mobile data, so we have the option for the student to decrease the quality.

However, other students may prefer to watch the videos with higher quality, so the student also has the option of watching classes with the highest possible quality.

This is another feature designed to improve your student’s user experience, it is one of the details we thought of, so that your students become more profitable every day and have the desire to buy more and more of your products.

We believe that with your content and our technology, it’s the perfect combination to grow your business., every time you say something important in your VSL, you can have a CTA button appear at that moment in the video.

Modify Appearance

Our concern with your sales is so great that we have the possibility for you to customize the entire player with a layout identified with your business, thus making your students more identified with your product.

facebook pixel

You will have your Remarketing campaigns easier, as we send information every 10% of progress in the video to Facebook, so you can map your retention to targeted campaigns.

Continue where you left off. Make life easier for your users with the functionality to continue where you left off, so you make the return flow to your class much greater.

And the better the completion rate of students in your courses, the more they tend to achieve success in their goals.

This will give you more social proof and recommendations from your students, which will make your business more profitable.

Continue where you left off

Make life easier for your users with the functionality to continue where you left off, so you make the return flow to your class much bigger.

And the better the completion rate of students in your courses, the more they tend to achieve success in their goals.

This will give you more social proof and recommendations from your students, which will make your business more profitable.


We believe that personalization is the future, and that’s why with the Controls functionality, you can choose exactly which feature your client will have enabled for the video, from volume to more advanced settings.

At Panda you have full control of everything in your course, every detail is thought to make your business more profitable.


With our subtitle technology, you have the possibility of selling to different countries around the world, in addition to improving the student’s experience, so that he can read what is being said in class, which tends to retain the student’s attention. same.


You can use different thumbs to pause, start and end the video, retaining the student even more in your content.

DRM (watermark)

Protect your videos by adding a watermark with user data on the video. This guarantees greater security for the videos, since, in case of improper sharing of the material, tracking is easy.