We have several AI features, they are:

mental mapMind Map

mental mapQuiz

mental mapEbook

mental mapSubtitle

mental mapSearch

mental mapDubbing


See how these giant players in the market already have a business safer and more profitable with Panda.

Marcos Paulo


Pablo Marçal


What will Panda help in your business?

secure videos

Piracy problems

Have you ever had problems with piracy? Are you tired of working hard on your infoproduct and someone pirates your course?

Panda will help you with this problem, with DRM technology, the student is easily identified, with the data appearing in watermark at all times during the class.

money icon

More sales through your VSL

Do you want to increase your sales conversion?

At Panda, we have various cutting-edge technologies that transform user interaction into a unique experience. Through these technologies, video CTA buttons become much more assertive, and the possibility of having the Facebook Pixel increases retention for targeted campaigns.

user icon

Control of students in live classes

Do you have difficulty knowing if those who are in your live classes are only students?

Panda has a unique technology that will allow your classes to be streamed only where you want, without the risk of sharing them with non-students.

How will Panda enable its most profitable and secure business?

Player fullscreen mobile
Increasing your VSL conversion now.

With Smart Auto Play technology, the video starts automatically, creating an urgency in your lead’s mind, which starts to emit stimuli for them to click on the video as quickly as possible, but as soon as the lead clicks on the video, the video starts from scratch, ensuring he doesn’t miss a second of the video.

The best value for money on the market

Swipe to see more
  • DRM IconDRM
  • Smart Autoplay IconSmart Autoplay
  • Progress Bar IconDummy progress bar
  • Buttons IconButtons
  • Chapters IconChapters
  • qualities IconQualities
  • Layout IconModify the appearance
  • facebook IconFacebook Pixel
  • Continue IconContinue where you left off
  • Controls IconControls
  • Thubnail IconThumbnails
  • Lives iconLive streaming in the members area
  • Analytics IconAnalytics
  • Mini-Trigger IconMini Triggers
DRM Image

Our DRM is the best solution on the market to prevent you from suffering from piracy.

Through this functionality, your students will have their registration data captured, and they are presented in a watermark at some moments in the class videos.

Thus, potential fraudsters will be afraid to hack your course, as your data will be exposed and easily located, which can cause legal problems for fraudsters.

More about DRM
Autoplay Image
Smart Autoplay

Autoplay provides your content with greater interaction and lead capture.

Your video will start playing as soon as the user enters the page, generating a mental trigger of urgency in your customer’s brain.

And when he clicks on the video he won’t lose a second of his VSL as the video starts over from scratch.

This functionality will help increase the number of sales from your VSL.

Progress bar and options
Dummy progress bar

Through this feature, you will increase the retention of leads when watching your VSL, as the dummy progress bar makes the feeling that the video will end soon, thus keeping your lead’s attention.

Buttons of player

Our buttons will allow your CTAs to appear at strategic moments in your VSL, that is, every time you say something important in your VSL, you can have a CTA button appear at that moment in the video.

Chapters possibilities

With the Chapters functionality, you can show when in the video a certain subject is covered, making it easier for your students to review the classes or search for a specific topic.

This feature was designed to improve your student’s user experience.

It’s one of the details we think about, so that your students become more profitable each day and have the desire to buy more and more of your products.

unabled qualities

Provide different qualities to your students, some have the need to save their mobile data, so we have the option for the student to decrease the quality.

However, other students may prefer to watch the videos with higher quality, so the student also has the option to watch the classes with the highest quality possible.

This is another feature designed to improve your student’s user experience, it’s one of the details we think about, so that your students become more profitable every day and have the desire to buy more and more of your products.

We believe that with your content and our technology, it’s the perfect combination to grow your business.

Change color of player
Modify the appearance

Our concern is great, which is a possibility of customizing you the entire player with a layout identified with your business, just as we have your students so exclusive with your product.

Facebook pixel possibility
Facebook Pixel

You’ll have your Remarketing campaigns made easy, as we send information every 10% video progress to Facebook, so you can map your retention to targeted campaigns.

Continue where you left off
Continue where you left off

Make life easier for your users with the functionality to continue where you left off, so you make the return flow to your class much greater.

And the better the completion rate of students in their courses, the more they tend to achieve their goals.

This will give you more social proof and recommendations from your students, which will make your business more profitable.

controls possibilities

We believe that customization is the future, so with the Controls functionality, you can choose exactly which feature your customer will have video enabled, from volume to more advanced settings.

change thumbnail video

Change the default image of your video, add thumbs to make your content more attractive.

You can use different thumbs to pause, start and end the video, further retaining the student in your content.


With our subtitle technology, you have the possibility to sell to different countries around the world, in addition to improving the student’s experience, so that he can read what is being said in class, which tends to retain his attention.

Live with the player
Live streaming in the members area

You will be able to do live lives, without taking the risk of sharing with those who are not a student, you will never need to use videos not listed on Youtube again.

Analytics and engagement metrics

You will have access to metrics like views, unique views, total plays and total unique plays.

Through these metrics, you will be able to understand how your videos are streaming and performing.

You will also be able to map your video engagement and retention.

Analytics and engagement metrics
Mini Triggers

This is a feature that gives you the possibility to show messages to your viewers in the player. By that, what we mean is that it is possible for you to make a message generating a mental trigger to help in decision-making at points where many people abandon the video, thus improving retention until the sales pitch.

The best value for money on the market

Panda has 3 types of subscription, you have the possibility to pay the equivalent of 3 reais per day, that is, to have a more profitable and secure business, you pay less than the price of a bottle of mineral water per day.

It is worth remembering that Panda is charged in dollar, above all, there are no fine print or abusive charges, as is common for other companies in the market to charge, and you will have the freedom to customize and compose your plan as needed.


  • 200 GB Storage $ 0.06 per additional GB*
  • 300 GB Bandwidth $ 0.03 per additional GB*


,90 /month
30 Day Free Trial! Secure Video Hosting
  • Live Streaming
  • Analytics
  • Retention Metrics
  • API
Most Popular


  • 1 TB GB of Bandwidth $ 0.06 per additional GB*
  • 500 GB Storage $ 0.03 per additional GB*


,90 /month
30 Day Free Trial! Secure Video Hosting
  • Live Streaming
  • Analytics
  • Retention Metrics
  • Up to 2 team members
  • API


  • 1 TB of Storage $ 0.06 per additional GB*
  • 3 TB of Bandwidth $ 0.03 per additional GB*


,90 /month
30 Day Free Trial! Secure Video Hosting
  • Two simultaneous Live streaming
  • Analytics
  • Retention Metrics
  • Up to 10 team members
  • API
  • Anti-Download
*Additional storage and bandwidth can be purchased as a prepaid package in 512Gb blocks. In the case of bandwidth, if you exceed the contracted prepaid limit, you will be charged $ 0.12 per additional GB as postpaid.
Compatible with all platforms, including…
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Hotmart Logo
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Builderall Logo

See here the advantages that Panda will add to your business:

DRM Security
VSL A/B Test
Smart Autoplay
Prog Bar. fictional
CTA + Acertives button
Classes org. in Chapters
Customization Appearance
Facebook Pixel
Continue where you left off
Customizing Controls
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have
No have